Quality & Affordable Smart Digital Door Lock

When it comes to home security, the locks on your doors may seem like a simple consideration but they’re more important than you might think. Mechanical locks are still the “standard” but they pose so many practical issues. Keys can be lost, and locks will freeze or get damaged over time. Keys can also be copied, too, so if you give a key to someone then decide to revoke access later you can’t be entirely sure that the shunned person doesn’t still have a copy of the key. Smart digital door locks are one potential solution to that problem.

One Step Closer to a Digital Home

More and more appliances are becoming digital. You can even get smart fridges now. Smart digital door locks are a simple and high impact upgrade to your home, that will give you peace of mind when it comes to security. They’re a great way to manage access to your home for multiple people. You are probably quite confident that your child can remember a few digits – after all they probably have a lock on their phone or tablet PC. A door lock is just an extension of that sort of thing.

Smart Digital Door Lock

With smart locks, if you need to revoke access for someone, all you need to do is change the code and tell the people that you do want to let in what the new code is. There’s no fuss with getting new keys cut or with replacing the whole physical lock. It couldn’t be simpler. You can also download an app for modern smartphones that will give you remote control access to the lock. This means that if you’re out of the house and a delivery shows up, you can open the door for the delivery driver. Why take a day off work to wait for a parcel when you can open the door from work? It’s a great invention.

The Future Is Now

We are a leading supplier of exterior and interior doors for homeowners in Malaysia, and we have many years of experience in that industry. When we started supplying doors, smart locks did not exist in the consumer marketplace. Today, they’re affordable and practical options for any home. If you would like to know more about these locks, just call our sales team. They would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Bring your house to the 21st century today.